Module kidou::orbit::calc::integrate::constants::conversion[][src]

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Constants and methods that are used to transfer numbers from one unit of measurement to another


A constant to convert $ 100 \; \text{km}^2 \, \text{s}^{-2} $ to $ \text{kpc}^2 \, \text{Myr}^{-2} $

A constant to convert $ \text{km} \, \text{s}^{-1} $ to $ \text{kpc} \, \text{Myr}^{-1} $

A constant to convert $ \text{km} $ to $ \text{kpc} $

A constant to convert $ \text{kpc} \, \text{Myr}^{-1} $ to $ \text{km} \, \text{s}^{-1} $

A constant to convert $ \text{Myr} $ to seconds


Adds conversion methods to float types